
Maths Curriculum Vision

An Evendons mathematician is a practical problem solver for whom deeper thinking comes first. Being part of a STEM school, we promote the love and enthusiasm of maths and recognise it across the curriculum. We aim to encourage and build confidence and competence in all areas of mathematics. We want our children to leave Evendons understanding the importance of mathematics in everyday life, helping them to make sense of the world around them.

Maths Intent

At Evendons Primary School, our intent is to provide a high-quality maths education that equips our pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in maths and in their future lives beyond school. Our aim is to nurture a love of maths and empower pupils to approach new challenges with confidence and resilience.

Maths Implementation

We implement our maths curriculum through a well-planned and sequenced programme of study that is consistent. Our maths teaching is designed to be interactive, engaging and inclusive, and we use a variety of resources, including approaches to promote understanding and problem-solving skills.

All staff are trained and up-to -date on how to adapt their teaching to meet the needs of individual learners including SEN using a range of both formative and summative assessment.

Our teaching approach is tailored to the individual needs of our pupils and we provide opportunities for pupils to work collaboratively and independently on problem-solving tasks. Our teachers provide regular feedback to pupils on their maths work, and they are always available to provide additional support for those pupils who require it.

Our school recognises the importance of maths in everyday life, and we strive to create meaningful links between maths and real-world contexts. Our pupils have regular opportunities to apply their mathematical skills to practical situations, and we encourage them to develop a deep understanding of the underlying concepts behind mathematical procedures.

Maths Impact

Our maths curriculum has a significant impact on our pupils, enabling them to make exceptional progress in mathematics. Our pupils are confident and enthusiastic learners who enjoy maths, and they are able to use their mathematical skills in a range of contexts within and beyond school.

 The results of our assessments clearly demonstrate the impact of our maths curriculum. Our pupils achieve well-above national expectations, and the vast majority make exceptional progress over time. Our pupils develop mastery in key mathematical concepts, are confident problem-solvers, and are well-prepared for the next stage of their education.

Our maths curriculum at Evendons Primary School is designed to ensure that our pupils are exceptionally well-prepared for their future lives beyond school. Our intention is that they become confident, resilient and resourceful mathematicians who can use their mathematical abilities to the fullest extent.

Deeper Thinking opportunities – All children are encouraged to access these opportunities and not be afraid to ‘have a go!’

Further maths opportunities at Evendons:

  • TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars) maths competitions across the school
  • Magical Maths club every Thursday – 
  • Children are given the opportunity to link maths to real life experiences e.g. Year 6 children have organised and arranged fundraising stalls, such as cake sales. 
  • STEM Week/ STEM day (see our STEM page on our website to find out more about this exciting event!)
  • Opportunities to use technology across our curriculum e.g. programming, sequencing, algorithms

Pupil Voice (December 2022) – What do you enjoy about maths? This is what our Children said.

“I love maths!“   (Year 1)

“I like everything, but sometimes it is hard and challenges me.”(Year 1)

“I love maths because it gets your brain working. It helps with your learning for life skills.“(Year 4)

“The creativity, what your mind can do with what I already know.“(Year 6)

“So many things you can do with it, and it will help you in later life.“ (Year 5)

“I like counting up.“(Reception)

“I like the maths sheets and there are lots of questions to answer. “(Year 2)

“I like working in groups in maths.“ (Year 3)

Overview of Maths at Evendons

Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy

Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy

by Emily Colbear and Nicola Ravinet – Evendons Maths Leads