Able Pupils

We are committed to engaging all learners to reach the highest standards.

Able pupils are identified using broad and appropriate criteria, reflecting both achievements in school and outside of school.

We recognise children as individuals with unique personalities, skills and abilities. We provide teaching which makes learning challenging, engaging and enables children to reach their potential.

We also recognise that within our school there are a number of children whose performance or potential is significantly greater than that of their peers. Therefore, we have the responsibility to meet the needs of these children. Our policy outlines in detail the identification procedures and provision made.


  • Raise the aspiration for all pupils
  • Have high expectations of achievement for all pupils
  • Provide greater enterprise, self-reliance and independence for all pupils
  • Early identification of able children
  • Provide children with an engaging and challenging curriculum so they are positively challenged by the work and the situations they meet
  • Celebrate high achievement
  • Recognise the range of abilities and talents that pupils at our school have
  • Develop the abilities of our staff to identify and provide for able children


  • Provide a challenging and engaging curriculum
  • Excellent teaching
  • Provide the right environment – an environment that is stimulating and conducive to study
  • We acknowledge we will be asked to account for more able pupils defined by prior attainment
  • We also acknowledge that our definition of able pupils is based on potential (future accomplishments) as well as prior attainment (past accomplishments)