Our school uniform sets a positive tone and reflects our practical learning approach. It is a visual reminder of personal discipline, independence, good order and the school’s high standards and expectations.
The uniform for Reception to Year 4 consists of:
- grey school skirt or pinafore dress/or grey trousers in the winter
- white blouse or Evendons polo shirt/or plain white polo shirt
- Evendons round neck school jumper, or cardigan
- white socks/grey tights and dark shoes
- lilac/purple gingham dress (spring and summer term)
- grey trousers/shorts
- dark socks and shoes
The uniform for Year 5 and Year 6 consists of:
- grey school skirt or pinafore dress/or grey trousers in the winter
- white blouse or shirt
- Evendons v-neck school jumper, or cardigan
- Evendons tie (not compulsory in summer term)
- white socks/grey tights and dark shoes
- lilac/purple gingham dress (spring and summer term)
- grey trousers/shorts
- dark socks and shoes
PE kit:
- black shorts or jogging bottoms
- Evendons purple & white PE top (or plain purple t-shirt)
- white ankle socks
- trainers or plimsolls
- PE bag
Swimming kit (for juniors):
- swimming hat
- one piece swimming costume (no bikinis) or short swimming trunks (no Bermuda style shorts)
- towel
- goggles may be worn but they must have the British Standard Kitemark
- YR to Y2 – Evendons Book Bag (plus a drawstring bag for spare clothes if needed). Due to limited space, no rucksacks please.
- Y3 to Y6 ONLY – Standard Evendons Rucksack
All children should also have:
- Wellington boots
- rain coat (Evendons coat optional)
- sun hat for outdoor learning
Please note:
- all items of clothing will be clearly named
- we discourage the wearing of all jewellery except for religious or medical reasons. For any pierced ears, small studs will be allowed and these will be removed or covered with tape during PE
- hair that is longer than shoulder length must be tied back for PE/Games
- all footwear will be safe and sensible, flat, securely fitting and all open shoes will have a back strap
All items with the Evendons logo (jumper, cardigan, polo shirt, coat, PE bag and book bag) can be bought from our uniform supplier Stevensons online or you can visit their store at: 4 Chatham Pl, Reading RG1 7AR
Girls purple gingham summer dresses can be bought from John Lewis online, M&S, Tesco, BHS or Matalan.
Click here to visit Stikins a school label company.