At Evendons Primary School we are lucky enough to have wonderful school grounds that we regularly take advantage of. We are passionate about using the outdoor environment to support the children’s learning. Teachers will regularly plan lessons outside or use outside resources to support their lessons.
We have regular work parties to maintain our wonderful wooded areas and provide children with a rich learning environment where they can play imaginatively, actively and hunt for minibeasts. The children enjoy regularly helping to maintain these grounds, spreading woodchip and taking care of their own school. All children are able to bring their bikes and scooters into school and use these during play times.
We have recently developed a quiet wildflower garden at the front of the school, including a pond so that children can explore animal life-cycles and pond dipping.
The Reception and Year 1 outside areas to the back of the school are age appropriately designed to support the curriculum provision and provide a wealth of learning opportunities. Children enjoy participating in a range of planting in our raised beds: pumpkins, tomatoes, wildflowers, daffodils, green beans, marrows, etc! We have areas such as mud kitchens to encourage imaginative play, outside writing areas and a climbing frame and tyre swing to support physical development.
In September 2018 through PTA funding we were able to completely refurbish our tennis courts into a multi-purpose all weather games court which has made a massive difference to the sports provision at Evendons. We also updated the tarmac to be painted with grids, circles, number lines etc. You will notice our school mantra of ‘Kindness Matters’ written on the ground at the entrance to the school, which underpins the way we expect our outdoor areas to be respected and treated by the children.