Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Information Report (updated Septmeber 2023)
We work within the Wokingham Borough Council guidance on provision for children with SEND in mainstream schools, which explains the ways pupils/children/students with different additional needs are provided for within the school. We also follow our ‘Equality and Disability’ policy and we also have an ‘Accessibility’ plan.
Our SEND Co-ordinator is Ms Anna Bailey: 0118 9791054, annab@evendons-primary.co.uk
Ms Bailey is responsible for overseeing the Special Education Needs and Disability Policy and coordination of specific provision made to support individual children with SEND. Her role is to liaise with staff to monitor pupils’ progress and plan further interventions where progress is slower or much faster than expected, as well as with parents/carers to keep them informed about current provision and discuss their concerns and lastly to collaborate with external agencies and specialists in order to provide more specialist advice if needed.
Understanding SEND
Children are all different and make progress at different rates based on a wide variety of factors that affect their learning and progress. They all learn in different ways and have different learning styles, which staff at Evendons Primary School take into account and adapt their teaching styles accordingly. Children who are progressing slowly or are having a particular difficulty in one or more areas of their learning, may be offered extra support to help them achieve their full potential. It is crucial to understand that, even if your child is making slower progress than you would expect or that your child requires additional support, it does not necessarily mean that your child has special educational needs.
The Special Educational Needs (SEND) Code of Practice; for 0 to 25 years old (Statutory Guidance for organisations who work with and support children and young people with SEND), which was released in April 2014 , is the document that gives guidance on increasing options and improving provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs.
This definition appears on page 4 of the document:
xi A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
xii A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:
- has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
- has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post – 16 institutions
xiii For children aged two or more, special educational provision is educational or training provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age by mainstream schools, maintained nursery schools, mainstream post -16 institutions or by relevant early years providers.
For a child under two years of age, special educational provision means educational provision of any kind. xiv A child under compulsory school age has special educational needs if he or she is likely to fall within the definition in paragraph xii. above when they reach compulsory school age or would do so if special educational provision was not made for them (Section 20 Children and Families Act 2014)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) could mean that a child has:
- Social, mental or emotional and behaviour difficulties – making friends or relating to adults or behaving properly at school.
- Difficulty in the area of cognition and learning – in acquiring basic skills in school.
- Sensory or physical difficulties – such as hearing or visual impairment which might affect their learning, medical or health conditions – which may slow down a child’s progress and/or involves treatment that affects the child’s education.
- Communication and interaction difficulties – in expressing themselves or understanding what others are saying and interacting with others.
Our commitment
Evendons Primary School is committed to providing a high quality education to all children living in our local area and we believe that all children, including those identified as having a special educational need or a disability (SEND), have a common entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum that is accessible to them. Tolerance, courtesy, understanding and compassion are hard-wired to our ethos. While our focus is on achievement of all children during their time with us, we never lose sight of the fact that children in our care are beginning their journey and that we are preparing the successful individuals of tomorrow for whatever path they choose.
At Evendons Primary School all pupils, regardless of their particular needs, are offered inclusive teaching, which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community. We believe that all children should be equally valued both in and outside the school. We strive to develop an inclusive learning environment, eliminating discrimination and prejudice, where all children can enjoy, learn and succeed flourishing in a safe environment.
What we offer: diversity and inclusion
Evendons Primary School is dedicated to promoting inclusive ethos across the school community. We believe that inclusion is directly related to diversity and equality which we promote for all children in our care, irrespective of their gender, age, ethnicity, impairment, attainment and background. We are highly committed to differentiated provision and achievement of different groups of learners.
Quality First Teaching
At Evendons Primary School we strongly believe that all children are capable of learning, however, any child may experience difficulties and limitations in different areas of learning based on a wide range of factors. It is our duty to help them to succeed via the high quality teaching and care that we offer. The curriculum is broad, balanced and tailored to meet the needs of all pupils, including those who need extra support or challenge high achieving, talented and gifted children. Teachers use a variety of teaching styles and a wide range of learning equipment and technology to support learning and allow all children to access the curriculum. Daily observations and quality adult-child interactions allow the teachers to be highly aware of the needs of each pupil in their class. A thorough assessment system means that pupils’ needs are quickly identified and addressed accordingly.
What should parents /carers do when they are concerned about their child’s progress or special educational need
We understand that sometimes as a parent/carer you may have concerns about your child and be unsure how they are getting on at school, or you may have worries about your child’s behaviour at home or concerns about their general development. Also, sometimes your child may be struggling with coming in to school, classwork, homework or may be having difficulties at home and you may need someone to talk to. In some cases parents/carers raise a concern and think that your child may have a special educational need. In the above instances we will arrange for a meeting to discuss it with you and identify ways for further action as and when required. We aim to collaborate with you as parents and carers to achieve a joint decision on what would be the best approach for your child and agree on ways to achieve the desired outcomes.
How we identify a child’s individual special educational learning needs and what extra help they need
1. Transition of SEND status from previous school/nursery
When it has been established that a child has SEND before they start Evendons Primary School, we aim to collaborate closely with all people involved: pupil, parents, class teachers, SENDCo, speech and language therapist, etc. in order to ensure smooth transition. We use the information about the SEND to strive for the best provision.
2. Informed by parents/carers
When the concern about special educational needs is raised by parents/carers we apply a graduated approach to identify SEND (see the next bullet point).
3. Identification by the School
When our staff are concerned about the progress in a particular area of child’s development we deploy a graduated approach to identify of special educational needs. Based on regular observations, assessment and tracking of all pupils by class teachers, we try to identify pupils who are making less than the expected progress despite Quality First Teaching. There may also be concerns regarding emotional well-being or behaviour. This happens in Pupil Progress meetings that are held termly in order to discuss the pupils’ progress with the class teacher, LSAs, SENDCo and the head teacher.
Following the meeting the class teacher then completes initial concerns record and meets with the parents/carers/child (if appropriate) and records agreed actions and completes the notes of initial concerns meeting. After mutual agreement the class teacher sets out specific outcomes and plans for Quality First Teaching and extra support and other strategies targeted at areas of weakness.
This is followed by a review when we re-asses the child’s progress. If the child responded well to additional provision and showed good progress we return to regular tracking. If the child made some progress we repeat the cycle once more. If the child makes less than expected progress towards agreed outcomes despite Quality First Teaching targeted at areas of weakness, we communicate this with parents/cares and the SENDCo.
This is followed by further assessment carried out by the class teacher and the SENDCo in order to provide clearer understanding of the child’s needs and decision whether the child has a learning difficulty which requires SEND provision. Only then the SEND support begins and the child is recorded on the school’s SEND register and the parents are informed. Once the child has been identifies a child with SEND the parents then work closely with the SENDCo and the class teacher to plan the next steps and provision needed which is recorded on the SEND support record. The agreed provision is then reviewed each term and the next set of action is agreed. In some cases we may seek specialised support based on parental consent.
How we involve parents/carers in identifying SEND and planning to meet those needs
• At Evendons Primary School we understand that all parents and carers want the best for their children and hope they will be happy and achieve their potential at school, therefore we employ constructive strategies for engaging with parents/carers to the benefit of all children. We strongly believe that the success of our children depends on close collaboration and partnership between parents/carers and the school. This relationship is vital when a child has additional needs, hence we involve parents/carers in all decisions with regards to your child’s support.
• We acknowledge the fact that parents/carers know their children best and we always take into account parents/carers views and experiences in order to increase the efficiency of our provision put in place for the child.
• Parents are also invited into school to talk about the progress their child is making – what is working and what might need to change. These review meetings are in addition to Parent Consultations and give parents the opportunity to talk in greater detail about the provision that is in place to support their child and to ask questions or provide us with important information in a friendly and unhurried situation. We like to establish an effective way to communicate with parents/carers, not only through face to face meetings, but also regular emails and phone conversations.
• We are happy to work in close partnership and collaboration with parents/carers of children with more complex needs, in order to support the best we can at school, whenever it is appropriate and possible. We are keen to work with parents/carers to provide advice and learn ourselves on how to support the children with particular needs including medical conditions, those who need specialised equipment or technology, those who need to attend and continue prescribed therapeutic programmes such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy. We invite parents/carers to attend the TAC (Team around the child) meetings where parents/cares have the opportunity to meet the specialist and discuss the benefits of the prescribed programmes and their child’s progress.
• We encourage and support parents and carers to volunteer in school through regular listening to readers, attending the school visits and ad hoc workshops.
How we report to parents/carers about your child’s progress and help you to support your child’s learning
• We hold Parents’/Carers’ Consultation evenings on termly basis.
• We also held Curriculum Meetings for parents, which take place termly.
• Every year parents and receive school reports which include detailed feedback on their child’s progress
• In addition, parents/carers of children on the SEN register are invited to termly meetings to discuss and review their child’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) and receive a copy of the updated IEP report.
• The school communicates with parents/carers in a wide range of ways, to reach as many parents /carers as possible. This includes website updates, weekly newsletters and personalised emails. Staff are also available for over the phone discussion should parents/carers have any concerns. The frequency of personal meetings, emails and phone calls varies according to the demand. • Parents/carers receive continuous support on how to help their children with regards to their homework, home learning, personal targets and specific strategies to be used at home to ensure the continuity of work.
• We encourage parents to communicate their needs and worries with the SENDCo and offer meetings to help understand and explain strategies and provision that we offer for the children with SEND.
How we involve and consult children with SEND in their education and plan collaboratively to meet their needs
At Evendons Primary School we aim to consult and involve pupils in their learning when appropriate by:
• Explaining carefully and sensitively why they are receiving support and determining what they themselves would like to improve and achieve in their learning.
• The class teacher, SENDCo and Learning Support Assistant discusses with the child what the targets and outcomes are and what it means for them.
• Liaising with parents/carers in order to encourage particular activities to take place at home while emphasising the importance of working together with their child in a happy and fun environment at home.
• Discussion with the children to help establish their preferred learning styles.
• Encouraging pupils to be fully involved in the process of support by the class teacher, SENDCo, Learning Support Assistants and others involved by asking questions, seeking clarification and developing independence. The whole process is based on high levels of positive encouragement, praise and reward systems (e.g. desired activity/toy, sticker charts etc.)
How we assess and review pupils’ progress
• At Evendons Primary School we use accurate formative pupil assessment data collected half-termly to inform provision at all levels. The data is used to inform in depth in termly Pupil Progress meetings where the class and individual attainment and progress are discussed in great detail among class teachers, Learning support assistants, SENDCo and the Senior Leadership Team. These pupil progress meetings help establish concrete steps for underperforming or coasting pupils as well as the pupils with SEND and give opportunities to discuss Quality First Teaching and additional support on pupils’ performance. This approach enables carefully tailored intervention strategies to meet pupil’s individual and special educational needs.
• Thorough assessments mean that the pupils’ needs are identified early on. Furthermore those children with additional needs are assessed and staff resources are deployed appropriately to support those making less than expected progress as well as pupils with SEND.
• Assessment results are moderated internally (at school), across the Bellevue Education Trust Group and within Wokingham, to ensure the accuracy of the assessment.
• We also use well-developed systems for ongoing observations and collation of information for personal Learning Journeys, which result in a wide range of evidence across all areas of learning and insightful information.
• We check how well a child understands concepts covered and makes progress in each lesson through ongoing assessments and evaluations.
• We aim to we use P levels and PIVATS to assess children with SEND who are not at the National Curriculum levels as these give us opportunities to assess at a slower pace than the usual National Curriculum levels. To review the progress of pupils with SEND the class teachers will discuss progress with parents/carers at the SEND review. Children with Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) and Statements (until converted to EHCPs) will have three IEP reviews a year (each term), as well as the Annual Review (every 6 months for pupils under 5 and once a year for pupils over 5), which will be reported to the Local Authority.
• For children with SEND we plan to follow the: Assess, Plan, Do, and Review cycle – outcomes of which will be shared with parents/carers at the SEND review meetings each term
How we adapt the curriculum and modify teaching styles in order to meet your child’s SEND
• Staff at Evendons Primary School provide access to a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum to cater to pupils’ needs with the aim to tailor to child’s needs whether easier or more challenging, so that every child is able to learn at their own pace using the pupils’ preferred learning style.
• Quality First Teaching allows high quality provision with emphasis on differentiation in order to provide the appropriate support and challenge based on pupils’ needs and abilities.
• We acknowledge the importance of specialised learning equipment and technology and we provide any additional staff resources required for pupils to assess learning.
• We aim to provide a stimulating and appropriate learning environment based on children’s needs by adapting the classrooms, teaching resources, writing equipment and teaching methods.
• We use additional materials/resources/approaches in order to achieve the appropriate provision at the right level for children with SEND such as visual aids, sensory equipment, specialist writing equipment etc.
• Staff are encouraged to constantly develop their skills and abilities through Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and training in order to be able to cater to a range of SEND such as Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (BESD); speech, language and communication needs (SLCN), and dyslexia.
• When teaching, we use different approaches to learning such as: visual, aural and kinaesthetic.
• Some staff will receive the appropriate training and to support groups of children with speech and language difficulties, ‘Running Social Skills’ training and Autism training.
• Support staff are used in a variety of ways across the school to support whole class teaching, small group work, 1:1 teaching, lunch supervision, after-school clubs, breakfast club and outdoor learning.
What support we offer for your child’s emotional well-being
• Evendons Primary School seeks every opportunity to make our pupils’ experiences as rich and exciting as possible and to extend their spiritual, moral, social, cultural and emotional development.
• Assemblies and workshops throughout the year also play an important role in supporting social aspects of well-being.
• The wide range of after school clubs mentioned earlier also support children’s emotional well being as well as Breakfast club. All of these opportunities are available to children at Evendons Primary School.
• All staff have safeguarding training to insure the understanding and importance of supporting children’s well-being. The Head Teacher is designated Safeguarding Officer and keeps all staff up to date with statutory requirements and ensures that these are followed.
• We want all children to have the confidence to speak-out if there are any concerns about the behaviour of others, perceived bullying and harassment and these are systematically investigated by staff.
• Children know that they can approach any member of staff if they require help or when upset.
• We look for ways to help children to be confident, independent and have good self-esteem. We offer appropriate support and provision for those children that lack confidence in particular areas of learning via 1:1 support, small group work, social groups etc.
• The school also has a robust anti bullying policy and the children have a good understanding of what bullying is and how to deal with it.
• High emphasis is placed on Character Education sessions where the pupils are being taught about the importance to express their views and feelings.
• We have well established daily routines, for example the morning settling in period and times when adult support is provided to encourage all children to sustain shared played experiences.
How we promote positive behaviour
• Evendons Primary School believes it is vitally important to promote a positive, caring and supportive environment to enable all members of the school community to feel secure and respected, and therefore promote good behaviour in others.
• We believe that the most effective way of promoting positive behaviour is to encourage children’s good behaviour by operating a system of rewards and praise. In our school we believe the ideal incentives are the intrinsic rewards offered by:
⮚ Warm relationships
⮚ A stimulating and tolerant social environment
⮚ Positive role modelling
⮚ Doing what is right
• We strongly believe in reward systems in which recognise all forms of social, academic and non academic achievement and efforts. The rewards are awarded fairly and consistently and are related to positive behaviour. For more details regarding positive rewards see the School’s Behaviour Policy.
• There is support available and strategically administered during unstructured time to encourage positive behaviour
What training and specialist skills do the staff supporting children with SEND have
• The leadership team at Evendons Primary School strongly believe in the importance of training and continuous professional development. Staff are encouraged to attend training sessions that help them to support all pupils including those with SEND. Staff are also encouraged to visit other schools in the borough to observe good practice.
• We collaborate closely with various specialists to get advice and support the pupils with SEND. Within our first year we managed to establish links with:
⮚ Schools and Community Psychology Services
⮚ Speech and Language Therapy
⮚ Occupational Therapy
⮚ Early Years Advisory Services
• The SENDCo holds induction sessions with all Teaching Assistants to share information about pupils with SEND, that they will be supporting alongside the class teacher and explains the provision put in place. This is followed by regular review meetings, however, all staff are encouraged to seek support and advice when needed.
• The leadership team always looks closely at the needs of all children, including pupils with SEND. We seek training for all or particular staff in order to provide appropriate provision for students with SEND. We have already scheduled training on ASD for all staff
How we make the school environment and curriculum inclusive and accessible for all children
• At Evendons Primary School we aim to provide a learning environment and curriculum that is accessible to all.
• With regards to children with ASD and sensory needs, we make appropriate adaptations for those learning by using visual aids, creating areas that reduce sensory overload during focused learning, reducing the lighting and audible stimuli whenever possible.
• We provide wobbly cushions, bean bags and other alternative seating adjustments based on the child’s individual needs.
• During the assessment period we aim to create optimal conditions for all children, but especially children with SEND.
• In order to ensure that children access the curriculum and the learning environment, we provide and aim to extend the variety of specialist equipment including specialist pencils, pencil grips, braille equipment, sensory equipment etc.
Extra-curricular activities available for children with SEND
• At Evendons Primary School we offer a number of after school extra-curricular activities in the form of afterschool clubs and wrap around care from 3:30 till 6pm, which are available to all children if we are able allocate the additional support required
• We provide a Breakfast club that is accessible to all children from 7:30am – 8:40 am.
• We organise regular external educational visits and organise visits for people coming into school to support different topic areas. All children including children with SEND are included and we provide any support required for their full participation. We choose visits that are accessible to all. Before each visit we complete the risk assessment which is shared and discussed in detail with all adults attending the trip.
How we support children in their transition into our school and when they leave us
• If your child is joining our school in Reception we schedule a visit to your child’s previous setting in the summer term prior to the child starting in September. Information will be gathered regarding any SEND and any necessary support put in place on their entry into school. Additional visits to our school are encouraged for those children who may find transition difficult, due to the nature of their SEND. Meetings will be arranged for those children who are already known to Early Years SEND Services to make school aware of their needs and to ensure the correct support is in place. We also collaborate with external specialists involved with children with SEND in order to ensure continuity of specialist support and arrange for training in order to equip the staff with the appropriate skills to ensure effective provision.
• When moving classes in school children with SEND are supported with extra visits to the new class.
What extra support do we deploy to help us meet your child’s SEND: Specialist services, external expertise and how we work together collaboratively
• We have support from specialist teachers and support staff to access the curriculum and extra work on SEND related needs (speech, language and communication, hearing impairment, visual impairment, behaviour related needs and learning difficulties i.e. ASD).
• We get the support from the Local Authority services, SEND specialist, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapy, as well as working collaboratively with other Islington Schools.
• We get support from Occupational Therapy (OT) services for children who need assessment and support for specialist seating or other specific needs.
What we do if your child has medical needs
• A number of staff at Evendons Primary School have First Aid training
• A list of First Aiders has been drawn up but we aim to ensure that all staff maintain a knowledge of First Aid through training, which runs on a three yearly cycle.
• Whenever required school liaises with medical professionals including GPs, hospitals etc.
• Important information detailing a child’s ongoing medical conditions and for example the required medication needed, is circulated to all staff, provided permission is given by parents and carers.
• Medications i.e. Asthma inhalers, medicines are held safely in the school’s office and a member of staff responsible for administering the medicine as well as the administration staff are made aware of the doses and the frequency of medication. Staff ensure that all medications are taken on trips out of school.
• Staff receive training on specific medical needs as these arise.
What to do if you are not satisfied with your child’s support or progress
• Your first point of contact is always the person responsible – this may be class teacher, the SENDCo or the Head Teacher. Explain your concerns to them first. If you are not satisfied that your concerns have been addressed, speak to the Head teacher and then ask for the school Governor Representative.
• If you do not feel the issues have been resolved, we will arrange a meeting with the Chair of our Local Governing Board who can be contacted via the school: office@evendons-primary.co.uk
The information in this report is accurate now, but we regularly review and make changes to what we offer and keep this information as up to date as possible.