Character Education Vision
At Evendons, we have a tailor made Character Education curriculum which incorporates: PSHE, SMSC, our school values, fundamental British values and our work around the UN CRC.
Our overall aim is to educate the “whole child” to enable them to grow into lifelong learners who show respect and understanding towards others and the world around them.
The PSHE part of our curriculum develops children’s knowledge of how they will grow and helps them understand how to manage these emotional and physical changes.
We want our children to leave Evendons with a strong sense of self and with the tools and strategies to keep themselves safe in an ever changing world.
Character Education Intent
Through our tailor made Character Education curriculum the children will build upon the understanding and practical strategies to enable them to become confident within themselves. Our curriculum content is split into six focus themes which incorporate the needs of our children whilst also covering the statutory requirements for PSHE, SMSC and the Fundamental British Values. Our half term focus themes link with our school values and our work on personal wellbeing, we ensure that we celebrate national events such as National Parliament Week and Mental Health Week throughout the school. As children journey through Evendons they will cover a wide range of topics that teach them both about themselves and their place in the wider world.
Our commitment to Pupil Voice is reinforced through circle time and discussion activities which take place in a safe environment where respect and trust is fostered to enable honest and worthwhile participation. Children will be able to listen to each other and learn from each other’s experiences. We aim for children to be resilient and to be able to learn from their mistakes and to understand how their actions may affect others as well as themselves.
Character Education Implementation
Our curriculum is delivered in class based weekly sessions, it is enhanced by external visitors who have experience in the areas that the children are learning about. Previous visits have included the fire service, dental nurses, talks on road safety and mental fitness. We also provide inclusive opportunities in a safe environment, for children who need some time to reflect, develop confidence and take part in activities which promote overall wellbeing.
Character Education Whole School Overview
Character Education Impact
Children feel empowered to share their passions with others to make a positive impact on both the school and wider community. They do this in a variety of ways such as:
- Leading assemblies on subjects that matter to them – this academic year we have had assemblies about the energy crisis and how it affects them, personal journeys with having Autism, Sustainability, Food around the world, their experiences of religious festivals, performing musical instruments.
- Fundraising – children have led cake sales for a range of charities which are important to them.
- Our older children leading lunchtime clubs for the younger years as well as setting up their own school newspaper.
- Children leave Evendons having had opportunities to connect with the wider world, whether by having visitors coming in, going on trips or even by experiencing zoom calls into refugee camps!
Artwork created during mental health week – collaboration with Reception and Year 6 on the theme of “connections”
The results of a discussion about gender stereotyping and roles, by the end of the session all children agreed that all household chores could be completed by both men and women!
By Jo Wearing – Evendons Character Education