Evendons Primary School was inspected by OFSTED on 27 and 28 June 2017 and judged to be outstanding in all areas. You can read the full report here.
Ofsted rated the school ‘outstanding’ in all categories, including effectiveness of leadership and management, quality of teaching, learning and assessment, personal development, behaviour and welfare, outcomes of pupils and early years provision.
Highlights from the report include the following:
- The interesting curriculum content makes an excellent contribution to pupils’ achievement and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- Teachers’ expectations of pupils’ progress and behaviour are high. They use assessment information extremely effectively to inform their planning. Teachers make sure that imaginative experiences encourage pupils. As a result, pupils love learning and are proud of their achievements.
- Pupils’ excellent behaviour and determination to work hard allow them to flourish. Pupils are friendly and respectful. They make rapid progress and attain highly.
- Leaders at all levels ensure that staff develop their skills very well. Leaders’ plans to make sure that newly appointed leaders are similarly well trained are well thought out. Leaders’ constant drive for further improvement means that the school is well placed to continue to thrive as it grows to capacity.
- Children in the early years get a great start. Expert teaching and high-quality learning experiences ensure that children make rapid gains in developing their skills and understanding, and achieve well.