Dear Parents/Carers,
This week we have our Cultural Fair at Evendons, celebrating and learning about our diverse range of cultures. A main focus for the school this year is increasing our diversity and inclusivity provision. An important way we can do this is by offering your children a greater range of books in our school library which celebrate diversity and inclusivity.
To do this, we really need your help and support.
In collaboration with the school Committee for Diversity and Inclusivity, we have created an Amazon wishlist of books we would love to include in our exciting new school library.
You can access this wishlist via the following link:
Your generous donation of a book (or books!) from this list will significantly improve our ability to provide your children at Evendons with stories from and about a wider range of backgrounds, be that different genders, race, religion, disability, family units, cultures, and more!
All book donations really are appreciated and will significantly impact the teaching opportunities we can provide in school. They can be donated to your child’s teacher or the school office so we can log them onto our library system.
Thank you,
Sam Grimes
(LKS2 Phase leader and Library lead) and the Committee for Inclusivity and Diversity